The Zurn Foundation

Water, Wellness, and Prosperity: Our Commitment to Sustainable Giving.

We contribute to the health, wellness and prosperity of the communities in which we operate. Zurn Elkay has a long history of community support, including 70 years of charitable giving from the Zurn Foundation. 

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Zurn Foundation | Philanthropy

Since 1953, the Zurn Foundation has enhanced our company’s philanthropic reach and impact by making financial contributions and providing volunteer support to organizations within our communities. The Foundation focuses its giving on three community pillars: Basic Needs, Education and the Environment.

Basic Needs 

Supporting organizations that improve quality of life by delivering essentials such as food, shelter, care and clean water.


Supporting programming related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and the plumbing trade, as well as organizations that extend equal access to education for everyone and that work to create a more diverse and equitable pipeline of workers for the economy.


Supporting organizations that work to protect water and other natural resources for current and future generations.

Amplifying Impact: Matching Donations and Celebrating Volunteerism

In addition to providing direct financial support to organizations working at the ground level to foster sustainability in our communities, the foundation matches up to $5,000 per associate per year in donations made to U.S.-based 501(c)(3) nonprofits during the calendar year. We also match associates’ United Way contributions each year in support of our ongoing long-term collaboration with this invaluable community organization. Through the Paul Sternberg, Jr., Community Impact Award, associate-nominated colleagues and family members are honored for their personal commitment, with grants made to the charities where they volunteer.

The Zurn Foundation's Scholarship Program

Since 1978, the Zurn Foundation has been offering college scholarships to associates’ children. Graduating high school seniors enrolled in an accredited four-year college or university are eligible to apply for the $24,000 Ron Katz Memorial Scholarship, the $16,000 Foundation Scholarship or one of five $8,000 Foundation Scholarships.

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